Certified Reiki I Class and Reiki I Attunement 

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The next REIKI I CLASS will be
on Saturday July 20, 2024

THERE ARE 3 Spaces Left!

If you are interested, please text Karen so she can alert you: 361-446-4626

Total Cost: $275

Class includes: Reiki I class, manual, certificate, lunch and private Reiki session and private Reiki I Attunement and Session scheduled at another time.

During the Class we will have an opportunity to:

  • Connect with others of like mind

  • Participate in a Guided Meditation

  • Watch energy demonstrations

  • Review a full Reiki I Manual

Listen to examples of Reiki sessions and what can occur and to LEARN...the Meaning, Tenants, Precepts and Degrees of Reiki,the History of Reiki, the Reiki Principles, the importance of Meditation, when Reiki will and will not work, how to give a complete Reiki Session, the Benefits of Reiki, the Importance of the Chakras, the importance of your Heart and your Intuition, the Kanji Hand Positions, Reiki Self Healing, the Reiki Hand Positions, Animal Chakras and more.

After your Reiki I Attunement, you will be a Reiki I Practitioner and be able to channel the beautiful, healing Reiki energy for yourself, your friends and family. You will not be certified to work on the public until you have completed the Reiki II Class.

PreRequisite - Reiki Session with Karen Wilson Prior to the Reiki I Class

You must have had at least one Reiki session within three - four months of the class with Karen Wilson.  Here is the reason why.  

A Reiki I Attunement, which allows you to  channel Reiki (Life Force Energy) for others, is a sacred, once in a lifetime event. It connects you with the Reiki Guides and allows you to be connected to the Light in an awesome and beautiful way.

If you come to a Reiki Class and the subesquent Reiki Attunement with many of your chakras blocked, you may not receive the full benefit of the Reiki Attunement which is what connects you to the ability to channel Reiki energy. Instead of an Attunement to allow you to channel the Reiki Energy, the session will be more like a healing session for you. A Reiki session prior to the class will balance your chakras and work on your personal healing. It is important for you to come to your Reiki I Attunement open and energetically ready to receive. 

Also, it is good for you to get to know the energy of the person who will be your Reiki Teacher and who will channel your Attunement. You only take Reiki I ONCE in your lifetime. Please don't think of this as just a fun class (although it is fun!) , but also an opportunity to connect with something sacred and greater than yourself. You will want to make sure you are in alignment with any teacher before you take your Reiki I class from them and likewise it is important for me to know my students before I teach them this sacred healing modality.

To book your session with me prior to your class, you may do so here. For first time clients, please choose the Healing/Activation Session.

Why Take your Reiki I Class with Karen Wilson?

Effective energy work is a mix of the esoteric, the practical, the sacred and the mundane. It is the conjoining of the heart, the mind, the third eye and the spirit (of you and your client) ....with the Light. In my 14 years of practicing Reiki and the last 10 years working in thousands of sessions, and teaching 180 Reiki practitioners,  I have been able to learn from the Energy and from my Guides.... more and more about this dance of energy, light and spirit.

It is my desire to convey to my students, not only the the mechanics of Reiki practice, but also the joy, the love, the power and the wisdom of the sacred energy we are so blessed to work with. In addition, the majesty of the energy often opens energetic channels with the student - their own intutition and gifts - and I am happy and honored to continue supporting my students throughout their journey, if that is their desire. 

When to Take Reiki II?

Some teachers teach Reiki I and Reiki II closely together. I strongly believe it is better to wait for a period at least three months to allow the power of the Reiki I Attunement to settle in and to give the student a chance to practice the Reiki energy before moving on to the even more dynamic tools and experience of Reiki II.

The Energy is your greatest teacher. Give it some time and space to work it's magic within you!

After you take Reiki I and you feel called to take Reiki II, I am happy to offer one on one classes for this level if a group cannot be formed. 

Total cost for Reiki I Class: $275 USD

Class size is limited to 5 people.

The cost includes the day long group class, lunch AND a separately booked,
private Reiki I Attunement AFTER THE CLASS with Karen Wilson.
You will be a certified Reiki I Practitioner and will receive a manual and a certificate.

If you have questions, please contact Karen Wilson for information.
karenwilsonhealing@gmail.com or 361-446-4626 (cell/text)


Karen is very unique as to the way she teaches her classes, everything is explained very well and she explains to you step by step to where you will know understand... she teaches everyone with pure love...I did my classes last year and it has helped me and many other people that I have been practicing on... thank you so much Karen.
— Cynthia Benevidez, Corpus Christi, TX
The Reiki I learned in your Reiki I Class is helping me tremendously with regards to managing stress and increasing peace and calm in my life.  My confidence has improved dramatically, as a result of my sessions with you over the last few months. There aren’t enough words to thank you for the assistance and healing you have brought into my life. I’m so excited to start the next phase of the journey with Reiki II!​ Thank you for the work that you do and for the love that you put into your work. You are making a difference in the world, one person at a time.
— Jennifer Palmer
Karen, I appreciate all of your help and guidance through the Reiki learning process. I can’t believe how different (in a good way :) ) I feel just in the few short weeks since I had my first session with you. I think if anything, learning about and understanding Reiki has provided me with that small “umph” to continue going in the direction I am in my life. It was an unexpected but extremely necessary experience I didn’t know I needed to really keep me moving forward. So thank you for your time and your great talents...you’re a wonderful teacher and your insights have been extremely enlightening.
— Jayme Perry
 I have taken Reiki I and II classes from Karen and found her to be an excellent teacher and mentor. Karen is my “Reiki Master” and is always available to me for guidance and support. I have a great respect and love for Karen and very grateful that our paths have been brought together. Thank you Karen, for all you do to make our world a brighter place. Love and light,
— Kem Gautney